ATTENTION : Women Who Are Tired Of One-Size-Fits-All Weight Loss Plans That Never Last...

Lose 15-25 lbs without counting, measuring, or sacrificing your favorite foods

using my unique 6 Pillar System to prime your metabolism for easier + more enjoyabe weight loss 

I'm SOOOOO ready for this!

You've tried all the diets and you're OVER having to give up everything you love!

Does this sound familiar?

🧐 You've done so many diets at this point that you're questioning everything you put in your mouth.  You've lost connection with your food and trust in your body.

🏃🏻‍♀️You're falling back on what worked in the past but the it's NOT working anymore and you're feeling stuck.

🚫 You think certain foods are “good” or “bad” and therefore you're good or bad based on your choices.

🍪 You find yourself constantly overeating at night and blaming yourself for having no willpower. 

🍌You've cut out one food group after another, thinking gluten, dairy, or carbs must be the issue, but nothing seems to work.

🎉 Parties, events, vacations throw you “off track” and then you have a hard time getting back on when it’s over.

🍕 You've lost weight in the past, but you had to restrict + sacrifice everything you loved in order to do it maintain it.

 You've hit your goal weight but didn't have that HAPPY, VIBRANT ENERGY you wanted when you got there.

Does this sound familiar?
  • 🧐 You've done so many diets at this point that you're questioning everything you put in your mouth.  You've lost connection with your food and trust in your body.

    🏃🏻‍♀️You're falling back on what worked in the past - eating less and exercising more - but the it's not working and you feel STUCK.

    🚫 You think certain foods are “good” or “bad” and therefore you're good or bad based on your choices. 

    🍌You've cut out one food group after another, thinking gluten, dairy, or carbs must be the issue, but nothing seems to work. 

     🎉 Parties, events, vacations throw you “off track” and then you have a hard time getting back on when it’s over.

    🍕 You've lost weight in the past, but you had to be restrictive + sacrifice everything you loved in order to do it maintain it.

     You've hit your goal weight but didn't have that HAPPY, VIBRANT ENERGY you wanted when you got there.

What if you could stop STRESSING over your FOOD CHOICES because you...

  • Have no list of foods to avoid. 
  • Have no meticulous counting or measuring.
  • Don't have to give up your favorite foods or social life.
  • Feel FULL + SATISFIED after each meal instead of reaching for your next snack an hour after you finished.
  • No longer having to miss out  on special occasions, dinners out, or vacations because nothing is off limits.
  • No longer having to rely on willpower to combat your cravings.
  • Sleep better, have better digestion, more focus, and better MOOD.
  • Have the NATURAL energy and motivation to workout, without it feeling forced, or never having to beat yourself up over missing a workout again because the way you eat manages your weight for you.
  • Have the tools to maintain your healthy eating habits long term so instead of saying "I'm on ___ diet." you can finally say  "This is just how I eat!" 

Here's the problem...


I’ve seen far too many women, including myself, destroy their relationship with food and exercise from a lifetime of dieting.  

We’re so used to being told what to eat and what not to eat that we don’t trust ourselves to make food choices without being given strict rules to follow. 

What we want are gentle but PROVEN guidelines that give us the FREEDOM to decide but the trust in our decisions.

As a ex serial dieter, I didn’t think this happy place existed, until I realized that what was actually missing from the diets I was following was the key knowledge of how to structure my foods in order to maximize metabolism, curb cravings, improve digestion, and meet my weight loss goals WITHOUT having to restrict, deprive or exercise for hours!   

This new area of food science means no foods are off limits, as long as we use strategies that mean we can do it in a way that manages our weight, heals our body, and improves our mental health and relationship with food at the same time! My approach focuses on food organization, NOT deprivation!


It really excites me to help you learn and apply it! 💃



Inside, I walk you through the 6 pillars of sustainable weight loss - blood sugar balanced nutrition, movement, sleep, stress, gut health and mindset so you can maximize your metabolism, ditch the toxic food rules, and never have to diet again!🍴


Balance Your Blood Sugars

Blood sugar balanced nutrition is PILLAR 1 of my 6 Pillar System.  What most diets don't teach us is how to train our bodies to burn fat instead of store it to make weight loss easier.   

  • Say goodbye to being confused about food and know exactly what to eat to get the results you want.
  • Learn how to choose foods that keep you satisfied, energized and your metabolism firing 🔥 all day long to minimize fat storage and manage your weight with more ease.  
  • Grant yourself a one way ticket🎟️ to FREEDOM from counting, measuring, and rigid diet rules!
Build Your Plate

Once you understand the science of how the foods you eat impact your blood sugars, you’ll learn to pair them on your plate so you can eat to stay full for hours.  


  • Instead of diets that focus on food elimination, we will focus on FOOD ORGANIZATION so you can naturally feel more satisfied and nourished by your food.

  • Understand exactly how to meet your goals while managing your hungerdecreasing your cravings + increasing your energy without giving up the foods you love.
  • Feel in control of your food choices no matter where you're eating...whether you're home, on the go, dining out, or traveling!
The Other 'IT' Factors

Pillars 2, 3, 4, 5Movement, sleep, stress, and gut health - we'll go beyond the food to understand the importance of each! 

  • Explore how movement, sleep, stress, and gut health all play a role in not only balancing your blood sugars and managing your weight, but also nourishing your mind and body!  

  • Establish rock solid habits and routines to maximize each area to finally reach your body's healthiest weight in a sustainable way while reclaiming your energy and vitality!   

Makeover Your Mindset

Pillar 6:  Mindset.  Because weight loss is about SO much more than food.  It's about feeling empowered and in total control of your body and health.

  • Say goodbye to the overwhelm of overhauling everything at once in order to achieve your goals.  Retrain your thoughts and habits so you can finally achieve the long term results you're after while building your self confidence + self trust along the way.

  • Learn practical strategies to handle emotional eating, real life situations surrounding food, obstacles that will undoubtedly present themselves, and explore your relationship with the scale so you can determine the most beneficial way for YOU to use this tool.

  • I'll also teach you my favorite mindset hacks so you can stop eliminate the self sabotage that's been holding you back from having the body you want.

  • We bring it all together for you to not only achieve your goal weight but create a LIFESTYLE that is actually sustainable + enjoyable!


 WHAT IF you found eating - dare I say - JOYFUL + FUN again?

And WHAT IF you never gave up on yourself again because it's not just what you eat that changes...

YOU actually change! 

 ✨ New RESULTS require a new APPROACH! ✨

  • PRE RECORDED LESSON VIDEOS for each module. Watch the program whenever you like, go through it all in a few days or spread it out over several weeks.
  • WEEKLY LIVE GROUP COACHING CALLS.  Join LIVE COACHING/ Q&A sessions with me where we'll dive deeper into understanding and APPLYING the concepts to your unique lifestyle and preferences.
  • UNLIMITED SUPPORT via a private community to ask all your questions and get answers in real time 
  • LIFETIME ACCESS to all program recordings and workbooks.


In The Balanced Eating Blueprint, I am teaching you:

  • How to understand what foods make you feel your best and exactly what to eat to achieve your goals 
  • Flexible structure without strict rules so you can apply this blueprint to any meal, any day, anywhere.
  • How to manage lifestyle factors BEYOND THE FOOD  that play a crucial role in maximizing your metabolism and need to be addressed in order to see RESULTS (in other words - what's been missing from every diet you've tried)! 
  • How to not only eat but design your habits to support the life you want to live, the BODY and MIND you want to live in, have the energy you want to have, and enjoy the foods you love to eat! #yesplease
Want proof The Balanced Eating Blueprint really works?

Hear directly from our students and the success they’ve been able to achieve:

"It didn't demonize any foods and helped reframe my 90s dieting techniques!"

"This program makes sense. After the first week, I realized that my mindset was set around 90s diet fads and that I needed to change that first.  I have learned that I can eat more and still lose weight! I’m learning how to put together my own meals but I also don't feel like I've screwed things up when I eat out.  I am so thankful for this!” 

– Sara B.

"I’ve transformed by body, my way of eating and my outlook at different foods. I wish I found you and did this course earlier!"

Reflecting on the last six weeks and everything that I’ve learned... I’m really proud of myself that I gave 100% and really leaned into your program and brought your teachings 100% into my world. I’ve transformed by body, my way of eating and my outlook at different foods. I wish I found you and did this course earlier.

– Amy L.

“For the first time in my life it feels EASY!"

"I feel like I know what I'm doing....finally! For the first time in my life it just feels easy! I have more energy. After my meals I feel satisfied, full, and not like I'm missing out on anything or feel the need to run to the office for chocolate.  I have integrated all your lifestyle techniques beyond the food in a way that I'm not even thinking about it! Your support has been amazing....I seriously could not have done this without you!" 

                                                                                                                                           – Johnny D.

This program is different because it is specifically designed for people's own individual needs."

"I'm so glad I took your Blueprint because you made it finally all make sense and it's the easiest, most common sense way to live!  I know my FFF now from you and I know what to do! I actually enjoy making choices and I've learned to listen to my own body.

– Teresa C.


Here's why you need to get inside of The Balanced Eating Blueprint TODAY...


You’ve been dieting for what feels like FOREVER.

You’ve tried it all - Weight Watchers, South Beach, Atkins, Keto, Intermittent Fasting, Whole 30, Medifast,  Optavia,  Portion control, Mindful eating (I could keep going but if you know, you know)! 😉

After YEARS of experience, you feel like you know SO MUCH about nutrition but at the same time nothing at all!

You've been piecing together aspects of each and all it's done is left you questioning - "is this right?" 

You're tired of spinning your wheels - eating "healthy," exercising, and having nothing to show for it.

Over and over again you feel like you failed, when the truth is your diet failed YOU.

You're SO READY to unlearn what you thought you knew about nutrition so you can stop obsessing + stressing over food and get back to the place where you have the freedom to ENJOY EATING AGAIN while still meeting your goals!

Hi 👋🏻 My name is Christina.

I'm an ex serial dieter and mom of 3 who’s on a mission to stop diet culture in its tracks so the generations of women after us, including our daughters, don’t have to undo all the damage of a lifetime of dieting!  

Counting calories, controlling portions, calculating points, cutting out carbs…you name it, I’ve done it!  Not to mention working out rain or shine…with a side of extra cardio when I “needed it!”  

My approach was eat LESS and exercise MORE!  I was taught that everything I was doing was the textbook prescription for weight loss.  I mean, it’s as simple as calories in vs calories out, right?

WRONG.  What it taught me was to fear food.  And like most diets, it worked...until it didn't.  There's only so much food you can cut back and hours you can spend exercising. I stopped making progress.  Not only that, I was constantly hungry, craving, and low energy.  Food consumed my thoughts...and I just accepted that as normal if I wanted to be at my ideal weight.

It isn't. 

As a health coach and retired physical therapist, I have a geeky love for science.  So I decided to dig into the research of how metabolism actually worked…And I realized I was doing it all wrong. 

It wasn’t just about calories. It was about blood sugar balance, hormones, movement, gut health, sleep, stress, and MINDSET. Once I figured out how my body truly worked, everything *clicked*. 

I was no longer preoccupied with food. I didn’t stress over desserts, dinners out, or vacations. I felt EMPOWERED, knowing that I had total control of my body and my health any time, anywhere…not just when I was preparing my own food at home. 

With both knowledge and personal experience, I was able to develop a new approach - rooted in science and backed by research -  that helped me lose the extra weight and maintain it with easeand has done the same for thousands of women I’ve coached!

I promise you, it’s not really as complicated as it seems.  And I love making it SIMPLE for you so you can seamlessly implement lasting eating habits + routines it into your LIFE...because there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to metabolism!  We all have different bodies, taste preferences, schedules/circumstances, and relationship with food.  You literally get to CUSTOMIZE The Blueprint to your individual needs!


You CRAVE a better understanding of how your body works so you can confidently choose the right foods for you.
You are READY to feel FULL, SATISFIED + ENERGETIC after each meal instead of always relying on willpower and caffiene.
You are READY to ditch the toxic food rules and diet mindset for a healthier relationship with food and with YOURSELF!
You're READY to finally ditch the diet life for good and find FOOD FREEDOM!
You are READY to NEVER have to answer the question “Can I eat that?” again because NOTHING is off limits.
You are READY to feel FULL + SATISFIED after each meal instead of having to reach for your next snack an hour after you finished.

What's  next?  Here's a step-by-step...


1. Decide that you're ready to ditch the diet mentality and have an easier and more effective way to lose weight and keep it off


2. Tap the button below that says "SCHEDULE YOUR FREE STRATEGY SESSION"


3. You'll be taken to a call booking page where you can schedule a time the works best with your schedule


4. Show up to the call with your questions to see if this program is a good fit for you


5. If you decide that it is, we get you enrolled right away and begin the onboarding process

Have a question about The Balanced Eating Blueprint?

Have a different question? Reach out to me on Instagram!